91st General Session And Exhibition Of The IADR
More information about the 91st General Session And Exhibition Of The IADR - International Association For Dental Research is listed in the event details below. Log in now or scroll down to get extensive content about the 91st General Session And Exhibition Of The IADR - International Association For Dental Research, including audience size, exhibitors, contact names, booth sizes, pricing information and more. And search Events In America for details on other conferences, meetings, seminars, conventions, fairs, festivals, events, and tradeshows.
The International Association for Dental Research (IADR), headquartered in Alexandria, Va. USA, is a non-profit organization with more than 11,000 members worldwide. Its mission is to advance research and increase knowledge for the improvement of oral health worldwide; to support and represent the oral health research community; and to facilitate the communication and application for research findings.
This is the leading scientific meeting for the oral, craniofacial and dental research industry. Whether you're a researcher, practitioner, student, professor or industry representative, there will be a part of this meeting that suits your needs.